Sunday, October 4, 2009

First time I read it it just sounded silly

I thought social media was a way to escape your real life and connect on a different level to all your friends. Or also the gloomy version of pretending to be something you are not and being someone else.

Well, you are not as safe there as you ever thought. Well you were never that safe before, but at least you could pretend. A court order was going to be served over Twitter. Is nothing safe?

I suppose it was the kind of guy pretending to be some one else. But how do you know he actually got it? How do you know the username is not shared across multiple people? How do you know when he got the message?

The article said you can server court orders over email and the like. I suppose the technology is not that different. Just the idea of an electronic transaction being used as an official way to contact you feels a little wrong. Either they don’t know you and so, what kind of weight does an injunction have? Either they know you, I am sure they have plenty of ways of finding out, why would they use anything like Twitter to send an injunction?

Anyway, it did not not seem silly anymore, just a little disturbing…

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