Monday, September 1, 2008

And so it starts

I suppose any self-respecting blog should stay the reason for its existence. Wouldn't it be easy for us if it was that simple to find out about our own lives.
Anyway, I feel we are in the middle of big technological changes that will impact our lives in the not so far future. It already has of course, I am writing a blog that will probably never be read but then I can. I am now putting my thoughts out there in the ether hoping it will help me figure out some of those crazy ideas going through my head.

I suppose the major point of this specific technology is that you never know if it might benefit someone and you may as well post it for all to see in case it does.
I cannot stop being amazed how easy it is to be heard those days. No need to think about writing a book, convince someone it is worth reading and that they might make money in the process. I can just in 10 minutes or less start a page that will be made available to so many people. Of course they would have to be able to find it, find your content interesting enough in less than 1 minute (and that might be optimistic) for them to come back and read more.

Fat chance comes to mind. It is said any self respecting geek should have a blog to advertise himself/herself and share his/her views to the world.
Ouch, as a reader I am not sure I would qualify myself for either. That is also discounting the fact that it is dangerous to post and be liked. You only need to read about what happened to Kathy Sierra and suddenly it does not seem like a good idea anymore. Here was someone who had something to say, I really miss her blog. She forced me to take a step back and look at what I was doing and realize software is not built for your own pleasure (although I still think it should be an essential component).

Anyway, I have a few things to talk about, some experiences to share. Hopefully someone might even find it interesting and we will see where it goes.

Thanks for reading all the way to the last line :).

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